If you've used your Adobe Photoshop software to tinker around with your digital photos, you know that the program comes with a large collection of tools, colors and filters. These options are available not just to edit photo blemishes, but to transform your images as well. Photoshop can take an ordinary image and with a couple of clicks, give it a metallic sheen that can't be captured by a camera in real life.
Step 1
Open Photoshop, click "File" and select "Open." Navigate to the photo you want to turn metallic and double-click the file name. The picture opens in the Photoshop workspace.
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Step 2
Pull down the "Filter" menu at the top of the screen, select "Sketch" and click "Chrome" on the submenu. Photoshop instantly renders your photo as if it was designed in chrome metal.
Step 3
Move the "Detail" slider bar to the right for the finest, most precise detail and to pick up every element of the image. Move the slider bar to the left for a more fluid, less detailed image.
Step 4
Move the "Smoothness" slider bar all the way to the left for an image with rough edges or to the right for a liquid-like photo. Click "OK" when satisfied or click "Cancel" to return to your original image.
Step 5
Click the "Filter" menu again and select "Stylize." Choose "Glowing Edges" from the submenu. The image is instantly transformed into a glowing, metallic neon look like a Las Vegas sign.
Step 6
Move the "Edge Width" slider bar to the right for thicker, less detailed glowing metallic lines. Move the "Edge Brightness" slider to the right to bring out the glow on the image. Move the "Smoothness" bar to the right to define individual metallic glowing lines or to the left to give the photo an overall glow. Click "OK" when satisfied or click "Cancel" to return to your original image.
Step 7
Pull down the "Image" menu, click "Adjustments" and select "Vibrance." Move the "Vibrance" slider bar to the right to add depth of color to the image. Move the "Saturation" slider bar to the left to take away some of the color, with the two sliders combining to give the picture a silvery effect. Experiment with the sliders until you have your preferred image. Click "OK" or click "Cancel" to return to the original image.
Step 8
Click the "File" menu, click "Save As," type a new name for the photo and save it to your computer.
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