How to Make a Rock Fist Emoticon

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Make a rock fist emoticon to use in chat.

You make the rock fist, also known as the devil horns sign, by bending your middle two fingers to your palm with the tip of your thumb on top of the two bent fingers, while extending your pinky and forefinger like horns. You can make various text emoticons to suggest the rock fist, signifying that you're rocking out or that you enthusiastically approve of something. Some chat programs include a graphic rock fist emoticon you can access by typing the right text string or by merely clicking on the icon itself. Social networking sites and multiplayer online games may also feature a command to make a rock fist.


Hands Only

Video of the Day

Step 1

Log in to your chat, email or social networking account.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Start a chat session with a friend.


Step 3

Type \m/, \w/ or ,,,/ to suggest a rock fist.

Head and Hands

Step 1

Type \m/(><)\m/, \m/>.<\m/, \m/(>.<)\m/ or \m/ >_< \m/ to make a rock fist emoticon with tightly shut eyes.



Step 2

Type bd(OoO)bd to make a rocker with wide eyes and rock fists.

Step 3

Type \m/()\m/ or \m/(_o)\m/ for a starry-eyed fan making rock fists, or \m/@@\m/ for an entranced rock fan.



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