How to Make a vCard on a Mac

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VCards are digital business cards that can be transferred via email, phone or digital download. VCards can store personal and business contact information for industry peers and colleagues who aren't able to meet in person. On Apple computers, business cards are created using the Mac OS X Address Book.


Step 1

Open the Address Book application. You can select it from the dock if it is available or choose it from applications folder.

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Step 2

Select "File" > "New Card."

Step 3

Complete the fields with your personal and business information as you want them to appear on your vCard.


Step 4

Click "File" > "Save."

Step 5

Select "File" > "Export" > "Export vCard" and save the vCard to the location of your choice.


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Tips & Warnings

  • To create vCards for people already in your address book, open the person's contact information in Address Book then complete Step 5 or select the card then drag it to the folder of your choice.

