How to Make Flashing Text for Emails

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Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Getty Images

One way to make your email message stand out is to incorporate flashing text, as the blinking text instantly draws the eyes of your reader. To use blinking text, your email client must allow HTML code. Two popular email clients that allow HTML are Thunderbird and Outlook Express. Online email programs such as Hotmail, Yahoo! and GMail also allow the usage of HTML code.



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Step 1

Open the Thunderbird email program and click "Write" to create a new email message.

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Step 2

Type the recipient's email address into the "To" field. Type a "Subject" for your email message. Type your email message in the "Body" field.


Step 3

Type the message you want to send to the recipient. When you are ready to enter flashing text, click "Insert" from the top menu bar and select "HTML."

Step 4

Paste the following code inside the HTML box:


Flashing text goes here.

Replace the generic text between the tags with your own text.

Step 5

Click "Send" to send your message.


Outlook Express

Step 1

Open your Outlook Express mail program, click "Tools" from the top menu bar, then select "Options."

Step 2

Click the tab labeled "Mail Format."



Step 3

Click the drop-down menu beside "Compose In This Message Format" and select "HTML."

Step 4

Click "Apply" to save and apply your changes. Click "OK" to exit the options window. Click "Compose" to create a new email message.


Step 5

Type the message you want to send to the recipient. Paste the following code when you are ready to insert flashing text:

Flashing text goes here.

Replace the generic text with your own text. Click "Send" to send your message.


Hotmail, Yahoo! and GMail

Step 1

Log in to your email account and select the option to create a new message.

Step 2

Click "Rich HTML" from the message toolbar. This changes the message format from plain text to a format that allows HTML code.


Step 3

Type the message you want to send to the recipient. Paste the following code when you are ready to insert flashing text:

Flashing text goes here.

Replace the generic text with your own text.

Step 4

Click "Send" to send your message.


