How to Place Attachments in the Body of an Email

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Image Credit: Siri Stafford/Digital Vision/Getty Images

In most cases, when you compose a new message using an email client and attach a picture or document, the file is sent as an attachment. As a result, the recipient must download the attachment before it can be opened. If you want to place attachments directly into the body of your email messages, you must enable rich text formatting. Rich text messages are supported by both Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail.


Outlook Instructions

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Step 1

Launch the Microsoft Outlook application on your PC computer.

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Step 2

Go to the "Tools" menu at the top of the window and choose "Options."


Step 3

Go to the "Mail Format" tab at the top of the pop-up window.

Step 4

Open the "Message Format" drop-down menu and select the "Rich Text" option.

Step 5

Hit "OK" to save the settings.


Step 6

Click on the "New" button in top toolbar to compose a blank message.

Step 7

Click anywhere in the body of the message, go to the "Insert" menu and select "File."


Step 8

Navigate to the file you want to place in the body of the email and then hit "Insert."

Apple Mail Instructions

Step 1

Click on the Apple Mail icon in the Dock.



Step 2

Go to the "Mail" menu and select "Preferences."

Step 3

Go to the "Composing" tab at the top of the preferences window.

Step 4

Select 'Rich Text" from the "Message Format" drop-down menu.


Step 5

Open a new blank message window and place the cursor anywhere in the body of the email.

Step 6

Hit the "Attach" button, navigate to the file you want to attach and then hit "Choose File" to place the attachment in the body of the message.


