A .mov video file is in the default format for all Mac computers. It also accepted by Windows-based systems. Most media players and video editors accept the .mov movie format, making it one of the most versatile formats available on your computer. However, if you have a movie file that isn't in the .mov format, it is possible to convert it and create a .mov file, if you choose.
Step 1
Open Windows Movie Maker from the "Start," "All Programs" menu (or type it in the search bar when using Windows 7).
Video of the Day
Step 2
Click "File," "Import" and choose the video file you want to convert to .mov. The file loads into the display panel on the side of your editing program.
Step 3
Click-and-drag the video file you loaded into the timeline at the bottom of the screen.
Step 4
Select "File," "Save Movie As" and a save window appears on the screen. Title the movie and choose a location to save the file to. Click on the format pull-down menu at the bottom of the screen and select ".mov." Select "Save" and the .mov file is created.
Video of the Day