How to Manually Uninstall SnagIt

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SnagIt allows you to maximize your screen-capturing experience. Its many features facilitate your abilities in combining, storing and manipulating screen captures. In most cases, the Windows Control Panel uninstall utility will be enough to remove most programs, but not all companies rely on this Windows utility. TechSmith developed a simple process for you to manually remove its SnagIt application. However, you must utilize the Registry Editor, which is difficult if you do not have the appropriate computer experience.


Step 1

Click "Start" and select "Computer" or "My Computer." Double-click the "C:" drive and click to open the "Program Files" folder. In Windows 7, you may need to open the "Program Files (x86)" folder.

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Step 2

Right-click the "TechSmith" folder. Select the "Delete" option from the drop-down menu. Follow prompts to confirm that you want to delete the folder and all of its contents. This will get rid of all of the SnagIt program files.


Step 3

Click the "Start" button. Type "regedit" in the search box without the quotes, and press "Enter." The Registry Editor will open.

Step 4

Navigate in the left-hand pane to the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TechSmith " entry. Right-click the "TechSmith" folder in the right-hand pane and select "Delete."



Step 5

Navigate in the left-hand pane to the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TechSmith" entry. Right-click the "TechSmith" folder in the right-hand pane and select "Delete."

Step 6

Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer. This should remove all traces of SnagIt from your computer.

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