How to Remove Date & Time Track Changes

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You can remove the date and time stamp when proof reading with "track changes."

Correcting a document using "track changes" can be very useful when you are editing a document for someone else. But do they really need to know that you were up until 3 a.m. doing the corrections? You can turn off the date and time stamp, which also resets the reviewer's name to "Author."


Removing the Date/Time Stamp

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Step 1

In Microsoft Office Word 2010, go to the Office button menu then click on 'Prepare.'

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Step 2

Then click on 'Inspect Document'.


Step 3

After MS Word inspects the document, a results panel will appear.

Step 4

Click the button to remove all "Document Properties and Personal Information."


Step 5

Save the document. All track changes will have the dates and times removed and the reviewer name will also be changed to "Author."


