A blown TV fuse wreaks havoc on your system and causes noticeable performance issues. You might experience what's commonly referred to as the Samsung TV black screen of death or another problem that is difficult to diagnose. Referring to the fuses and checking for necessary replacements is prudent and can solve a range of major problems. A blown fuse is typically the result of a power surge or larger electrical problem. If a fuse is blown on the television, consider replacing your power strip and checking the power source for issues related to a surge.
Accessing the TV Fuse
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A Sony Bravia fuse replacement and fuses for other modern TV models are all relatively similar. The TV has a power board that is linked to the fuses. Before moving forward, unplug the TV from all power and remove all cords from cable boxes and other connections. You want the television completely free. Dismount the TV and lean it against a safe surface with the base on the ground and the back panel accessible. Leaning it against a couch with the base on a rug or carpet provides a suitable working position. Remove the entire back panel to access the power board, circuitry and fuses. The panel attachment differs according to the brand, but it typically requires a small Phillips head screwdriver or a hex tool to remove the panel. Set the screws in a bowl for easy retrieval and set the panel aside.
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Locate Burnt Fuses
With the inner workings of the television exposed, locate the fuses. Fuses are small cylinders with a metal end cap on each end of a glass tube. After locating the fuses, inspect them closely to discover if they are burnt out. In most cases, a bad fuse is easy to spot by visibly inspecting the area between the interior diodes. They should have a clear connection, while a bad fuse burns this connection.
Replacing and Testing
After locating the bad fuse, determine if the fuse is hand-fitted or soldered into place. A soldered fuse is locked into place and requires desoldering and soldering tools and skills to remove and replace the fuse. A hand-fitted fuse pulls right out. Check the model on your removed fuse and take it with you to an electronics store to find the appropriate replacement. Fit the new fuse into place, replace the back panel and reconnect the television to test the new fuse. If the new fuse blows again, you have a short circuit or power issue coming from the power board on the TV or the power source.