Your Netflix membership plan may include DVD rentals by mail, streaming video or both. You're able to share this account with members of your household by creating a maximum of four additional profiles; each profile will have its own DVD queue and movie ratings. You can also share your Netflix account password with other people to allow them to watch streaming movies through a computer or Netflix instant viewing device. As the account owner, Netflix holds you responsible for the actions of everyone who uses your account.
Step 1
Log in to Netflix. Click "Your Account & Help" at the top-right corner of the screen.
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Step 2
Scroll down to the "Preferences" section near the bottom of the page. Click "Account Profiles."
Step 3
Click "Add Profile."
Step 4
Enter the first and last name of the new profile holder. Add a sign-in name and password for the new profile.
Step 5
Select a maturity level from the pull-down menu; optionally enter a gender for the new profile.
Step 6
Select "Account Owner" if you'd like your name to appear on the Netflix mailing envelope. Choose "Profile Name" to have the new user's name appear on the envelope.
Step 7
Click "Save."
Step 8
Click "Reassign DVDs" from the account profiles screen.
Step 9
Enter a number for DVDs next to each profile. This determines how many DVDs each person on the account can rent at a time.
Step 10
Click "Save."
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