How to Test for Odd or Even Numbers in "MATLAB"

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MATLAB is a high-level programming language that does not require managing memory details. MATLAB is used mostly for technical and scientific computing and is an alternative to more traditional languages, such as C or FORTRAN, when the speed of the final code isn't an issue. MATLAB provides ample tools for performing mathematical operations. Determining whether a number is even or odd can be accomplished in a few lines of code.


Step 1

Open MATLAB by navigating to "Start-> All Programs-> MATLAB."

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Step 2

Enter the following code into the MATLAB window:

if mod(x,2) == 0 %number is even else %number is odd end


This code uses the "Modulus" or "Remainder" operator to test if a number is even or odd. If a number is divided by two and the remainder is zero, then the number is even. Otherwise, it is odd.


Step 3

Click the "Run" button in the editor to run the code.

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