Many home theater enthusiasts enjoy the benefits of projectors for movie viewing. Projectors allow users to view images in a large format, creating theatre experience. Home theater projectors are not without problems, however. Because they rely on fragile lamps and bulbs, unique problems can sometimes occur in these devices. Proper alignment and setup is another challenge that must be addressed with projector use.
Step 1
Check that all cables are correctly placed, and that connector pins are not bent or broken. Be sure that all power connections and cables are secure.
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Step 2
Verfify that the projection lamp is installed correctly. Refer to the user manual under the section marked "Replacing the Lamp." Also double-check that the lens cap has been removed.
Step 3
Adjust the Focus Ring if the image is out of focus. The projector screen must also be placed at the correct distance, or the image may appear blurry.
Step 4
Check that the zoom lever is in the proper position. Incorrect zoom will distort the image.
Step 5
Adjust keystone settings if the image has slanted sides. This can be accessed under "Display - V Keystone" on the projector display.
Step 6
Reset the projector if it stops responding to controls. Turn off the unit, and remove the power cord. After waiting 20 seconds, re-connect the power and turn the unit on.
Step 7
Replace projector lamps when needed. Lamps can burn out and make a "popping" sound when burnt. The projector will not operate until the lamp has been replaced.
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