How to Turn a TPL File Into an ABR

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TPL and ABR files are both used in Adobe Photoshop and have very similar applications. TPL files store default presets for the brushes and other tools in Adobe Photoshop, whereas an ABR file only stores settings for the brushes. Converting a TPL file into an ABR file and replacing the current ABR file with the newly converted file will restore all of the default presets for the brush settings.


Step 1

Open the folder in which the TPL file is stored. Click "Tools" and select "Folder Options."

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Step 2

Click on the "View" tab within the Folder Options window. Scroll through the menu until you reach "Hide extensions for known file types" and remove the check in the box next to it. Close the Folder Options.


Step 3

Right click the TPL file. Select "Rename." Erase the TPL extension and replace it with ABR. A prompt will display reading, "If you change a file name extension, the file might become unusable. Are you sure you want to change it?" Click "Yes."


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