DVDs of manga series and foreign films are readily available in the U.S., and many come with the option to watch the film in English. If you are studying a foreign language, speak a foreign language or would prefer to watch the film in its original form, DVDs will usually give you the option to do so. In most cases, you can set your language preferences from the DVD menu or change the language while the film is in progress by using the "audio" key on your DVD remote control.
Step 1
Insert the DVD into your DVD player.
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Step 2
Wait for the main menu screen to appear.
Step 3
Select the language menu using the arrow keys on your remote control, and press "Enter."
Step 4
Select the language and/or subtitles of your choice by moving up and down with the arrow keys, pressing "Enter" to finalize your selection.
Step 5
Change the language while watching a film by pressing the "Audio" button on your remote control. A list of audio tracks will display.
Step 6
Select the audio track of your choice by moving up and down the list with your error keys. The audio tracks may not be labeled, so you might have to try this a couple times before you get the language you want.
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