How to Unlock a Gateway Computer

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A corrupt password-protected screensaver can cause your Gateway computer to lock.

Getting locked out of your Gateway computer can be frustrating, especially when you have school or work deadlines. You can get locked out of your Gateway computer in cases where a password-protected screensaver became corrupt, or if the you have set the default screensaver to use a screensaver that does not exist. Gateway computers come with Microsoft Windows XP and 2000, including the professional versions of both. Knowing how to unlock your a Gateway computer can save you time and irritation.


Method 1

Video of the Day

Step 1

Press the "Ctrl," "Alt" and "Delete" keys on your keyboard simultaneously to unlock your Gateway computer.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Type the last logged-on user's login information and click "OK" if you see a locked computer message along with "Only domain/username or an administrator can unlock this computer."


Step 3

Press the "Ctrl," "Alt" and "Delete" keys once again when you see the Unlock Computer window disappear. Log on as usual.

Method 2

Step 1

Shut down the locked Gateway computer by using the Microsoft Windows Resource Kit Shutdown tool. This tool shuts down and restarts a Windows 2000- or NT 4.0-based Gateway computer. Note the dialog box that comes up called System Shutdown.


Step 2

Wait for the shutdown timer to run out and see the Welcome to Windows box displayed on the screen.

Step 3

Press "Ctrl," "Alt" and "Delete," which unlocks the computer. Log onto your Gateway computer normally.


Method 3: Backup, Modify and Restore the Registry

Step 1

Click "Start" and "Run," then type in the command below in the field box exactly as printed:




Step 2

Click "Create a Restore Point," then click "Next" on the Welcome to System Restore page that appears.

Step 3

Type any name for the restore point, then click "Create" on the Create a Restore Point page. Click "Close" after creating the restore point. Perform this procedure before you make changes to the registry, just in case you make an error; otherwise, incorrect registry changes could create serious problems with your computer.


Step 4

Click "Yes" if you receive a prompt to turn on System Restore at this point. Clear the "Turn Off System Restore" check box by clicking on it, then click "OK," and repeat.

Step 5

Click "Start," then type "regedt32.exe" (without the quotes) in search field box to modify the registry and unlock the computer. Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard.


Step 6

Locate the scrnsave.exe value under the registry key below:


HKEY_USERS.Default\Control Panel\Desktop

Step 7

Click "String" on the Edit menu, type "logon.scr" (without the quotes), then click "OK."


Step 8

Look for the ScreenSaverIsSecure value, then click "String" on the Edit menu, type "0," then click "OK."

Step 9

Quit the Registry Editor

Step 10

Click "Start" and "Run," then type the command below exactly as printed to restore the registry, then click "OK":



Step 11

Click "Restore My Computer to an Earlier Time" on the Welcome to System Restore page, then click "Next." Note your computer may already be selected to restore to an earlier time--in this case, just click "Next."


Step 12

Click the system checkpoint on the Select a Restore Point page. Click "Guided Help (Registry Backup)," then click "Next" on the "On This List Select the Restore Point" area. Click "OK" if you see a System Restore message listing all the configuration changes it will make.

Step 13

Click "Next" when you come to the Confirm Restore Point Selection page. System Restore will now restore the Windows XP configuration you had at an earlier time, and then it will restart your Gateway computer.

Step 14

Log onto your computer as usual, and then click "OK" when you see the System Restore Confirmation page.


