How to Write a LinkedIn Announcement

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LinkedIn is a social networking website for professionals. Unlike Facebook, which focuses on personal social networking, the main purpose of LinkedIn is for people to make professional contacts with others who are in a similar field of employment. LinkedIn gives users the ability to make a status update, which can be a short message or announcement, that all of the user's contacts can view.


Step 1

Log in to your LinkedIn account.

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Step 2

Enter the text of your announcement into the blank field labeled "Share an Update." You will see your profile picture with a talk bubble located directly to the left of the blank field. The announcement is limited to 140 characters. You can paste a link in the status update that takes the reader to more details about your announcement. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, you cannot "tag" other users in a LinkedIn status update.


Step 3

Click "Share" to post your announcement to LinkedIn, where all your contacts can view the announcement.

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