A computer virus is a small program that infects your computer and interferes with the proper functioning of your computer system. One of the most obvious symptoms of a computer virus is a slow computer. Additionally, computers that are infected with viruses may freeze or even crash. Computer viruses have the ability to spread over time. Thus, if you do not remove a computer virus, your computer can actually become slower. Fortunately, if you are using a PC, there are several tools available to help you remove a computer virus from your computer.
Turn Off System Restore
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Step 1
Click on the "Start" menu and then right-click on "Computer" and select "Properties." The System Properties window opens.
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Step 2
Click "System Protection" in the left pane of the System Properties window.
Step 3
Click on the "Windows System" drive listed under "Available Drives" and then click on "Configure." Generally, the Windows System drive is the "(C:)" drive.
Step 4
Check the box next to "Turn off system protection" and then click on "OK."
Restart Your Computer in Safe Mode
Step 1
Restart your computer.
Step 2
Press F8 continuously while your computer is booting up.
Step 3
Select "Safe Mode" from the list of advanced boot options.
Run Your Antivirus Program
Step 1
Open your antivirus program. If you do not have an antivirus program, consider purchasing an antivirus program or downloading a free antivirus program, such as AVG or Bit Defender.
Step 2
Update your antivirus program. Having an up-to-date antivirus program is necessary to detect and delete the newest computer viruses. If you do not know how to update your antivirus program, consult the manufacturer's homepage.
Step 3
Run a full scan of your computer using your antivirus program. Most antivirus programs give you the option of running a full scan or a quick scan. A full scan may take several hours, but it will scan your entire computer for viruses as opposed to just the areas where viruses are most commonly found.
Step 4
Restart your computer.