When creating a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for a meeting with clients, vendors or employees, you may want to incorporate artwork you've created in Adobe Illustrator without stopping to export bitmapped or PDF files from your drawing program's documents. If the artwork you want to use in PowerPoint doesn't exist in your library of rasterized drawings, you can save time and still add the graphics to your slides by simply avoiding the export process altogether.
Step 1
Launch Illustrator and open the document that contains the artwork you want to use in PowerPoint. Switch to the Illustrator Selection tool. Click on or marquee around the objects you need. Open the "Object" menu and choose "Rasterize."
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Step 2
Open the "Color Model" drop-down menu in the Rasterize dialog box to convert your artwork from the mode of your document -- RGB or CMYK -- to grayscale or bitmap. Use the Resolution radio buttons to determine whether your items rasterize at 72, 150 or 300 pixels per inch, or type a ppi value in the Other data field. Set the Background radio buttons to determine whether a freeform selection of objects includes a white background or features transparency around its irregular perimeter. Choose an anti-aliasing method to determine how Illustrator handles the rasterization of curved and angled objects, including the shapes of type characters. Add a clipping mask if you want a vector object that defines the perimeter of your original shapes, and determine how far beyond your objects the mask extends. Click the "OK" button to rasterize your artwork.
Step 3
Press "Ctrl-C" to copy your rasterized artwork to the clipboard. Switch to your PowerPoint file, and then press "Ctrl-V" to paste your bitmap onto your slide.
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