Manually Inputting an IP Address Into an iPhone

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Your network administrator can supply you with the required IP addresses.
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Not all networks are configured to dynamically assign IP addresses to devices accessing the network. If this is the case in your office, you'll need to manually input an IP address on your iPhone before you can connect to Wi-Fi. You will need an IP address, the network's subnet mask number, the router's IP address and your network's DNS address. In many small offices, the router's IP address and DNS address will be identical.


Step 1

Launch "Settings" from the iPhone's home screen and select "Wi-Fi." Wait a few seconds for the iPhone to display a list of nearby Wi-Fi access points. Tap the blue "Arrow" beside the network you want to join.

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Step 2

Tap the "Static" button. This displays a list of input fields corresponding to those your network administrator would have given you to connect to the network.


Step 3

Tap "IP Address" and then type the IP address assigned to you by your network administrator, such as "" Each of the numbers must be separated by a period. Your IP address may have zeros in front of some numbers, like "001" or "022." Typing these zero values is optional and the zeros won't appear on the iPhone.


Step 4

Enter the subnet mask, such as "," the router IP address and the DNS IP address in the appropriate fields.

Step 5

Tap the "Wi-Fi" back button in the upper left corner to save your changes. Tap the Wi-Fi network name and enter your network password when prompted.


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Finding Your Network IP Addresses

Step 1

Turn on a computer already connected to the same Wi-Fi network to find your network settings. Move the cursor to the upper right corner of the screen and swipe down.


Step 2

Type "adapter" in the Search field and select "Settings." Click "View Network Connections" on the right side of the screen.


Step 3

Double-click on the Wi-Fi network and then click the "Details" button. The subnet mask is listed beside "IPv4 Subnet Mask." The router's IP address is beside "IPv4 Default Gateway." The DNS address is beside "IPv4 DNS Server." The computer's IP address is listed beside "IPv4 Address" -- so you can't use that address on your iPhone.


