How Do I Change Windows Media Player Settings?

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Windows Media Player is a Microsoft Software application that is usually bundled with the Windows operating system. It allows you to play digital video, music and view images in most formats. It also allows you to transfer media files from compact disc to your hard drive or from your hard drive to other forms of media.


Select the Settings you Wish to Change

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Open Windows Media Player and select "Options" from the "Tools" pull-down menu. A dialog box will open. The options dialog box will present you with twelve tabbed settings categories including Player, Rip Music, Devices, Burn, Performance, Library, Plug-ins, Privacy, Security, File Types, DVD and Network. Each category offers different settings that you can adjust.


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Adjusting Your Settings

Choosing your settings will depend on your primary purpose for using Windows Media Player. Using the factory presets will provide a good user experience in general, but you can get much more out of the program by tailoring the settings to your specific needs.


Some of the more general settings categories include Player, Performance and Devices. Using these tabs, you can define the frequency of automatic updates, set the display options for your player, identify the hardware devices installed on your computer that can interact with Media Player and define the connection speed, buffering and video acceleration you desire.


The Privacy, Security and File Types tabs allow you to control how Media Player accesses your files. Privacy settings include allowing Microsoft to collect data on your usage of the program so they can make improvements and your file history settings. The Security tab controls what types of scripts and content your media player will run without prompting you for permission and the File Types tab allows you to set Media Player as the default program to run a variety of file types.


There are also a series of more function specific settings. Under the Burn tab, you can determine the burn speed, auto eject, volume leveling and the bit rate your files are burned at. The Rip Music tab allows you to define where the files will be saved to, the format of the new music file and the audio quality.


Windows Media Player is a versatile program that offers a wide range of customization options. In just minutes you can easily modify your settings to fit your specific needs.


