Computer keyboards can make two types of apostrophe marks, referred to by typographers as dumb apostrophes and smart apostrophes. Dumb apostrophes are a straight mark, the kind used to denote a foot measurement and the kind most often used when typing on a keyboard. Smart apostrophes have a clockwise curve at the bottom. Smart apostrophes are more difficult to type but generally look nicer than dumb apostrophes.
Step 1
Press the button to the left of the Enter or Return button on your PC or Mac keyboard.
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Step 2
Hold "Alt" on a PC keyboard and type "0146" with the number pad to create a smart apostrophe. You need to activate "Num Lock" to create this apostrophe.
Step 3
Press "Option," "Shift" and the right bracket button simultaneously to create a smart apostrophe on a Mac. The right bracket button is above the Return button and looks like "]".
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