The term "emoticon" is derived from the words "emotion" and "icon." A visual way to indicate your mood when writing text messages, the first emoticon was created by Scott Fahlman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University in 1982. When sarcastic jokes posted on the university's computer science online bulletin board were taken seriously, Fahlman suggested using the sideways smiley face to mark a post as a joke. Use a shark emoticon when you feel like attacking or biting someone.
Create a Single Shark
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Step 1
Type a "less than" sign followed by a space to create the shark's tail: <
Video of the Day
Step 2
Type a "left parenthesis" followed by a space. Repeat twice so you have a total of three parentheses with spaces following each of them, representing the shark's fin and gills. Your shark should look like this so far: < ( ( (
Step 3
Add the shark's eye by typing a quotation mark followed by a space. Now your shark looks like this: < ( ( ( "
Step 4
Give the shark a snout by typing a "greater than" sign. Your finished shark emoticon should look like this: < ( ( ( " >
Create Multiple Swimming Sharks
Step 1
Type a left parenthesis: (
Step 2
Enter three carrot marks. If you're using a computer keyboard, find the carrot mark by holding down the "Shift" key while typing the number "6." Add more carrot marks if you want to increase the number of sharks. Your swimming sharks should look like this so far: (^^^
Step 3
Type a right parenthesis. Your finished "sharks swimming" emoticon should look like this: (^^^)