How to Print a Tent Card Both Sides at a Time

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A tent card is a sheet of paper with a name or other information printed on it so that it displays correctly from both sides when folded in half and placed on a desk or a table. To properly print a tent card, the information being printed must appear both right side up and upside down on one side of the sheet. Most word processor applications provide a draw function that allows you to create a separate text box on the page that you can use to rotate and position text.


Step 1

Open the word processor application on your computer. Select "Toolbars" under the "View" menu and turn on the drawing toolbar. In most word processors, the drawing toolbar appears at the bottom of the window. Set the page to landscape. Set the margins to one inch on all four sides.


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Step 2

Select the text tool, which typically looks like a button with a letter "T," in the drawing toolbar. Click and drag the cursor to form a text box from the upper, left corner of the margin to two inches down along the right margin. Release the mouse button to set the box in place.


Step 3

Type the name that will appear on the tent card. Select the text with the cursor. Set the point size to 72 and the type face to Arial Black or a similar font that is easy to read at a distance. If the name does not fit on one line, reduce the point size. Click the center button, which looks like centered lines on the button, in the tool bar at the top of the window to center the text in the box.


Step 4

Click on the edge of the text box to select the entire box. Select "Copy" under the "Edit" menu to copy the box. Click off the box to deselect it. Select "Paste" under the "Edit" menu to paste a new box onto the page. Click on the new text box and drag it down to align the bottom of the box to the bottom margin of the page.



Step 5

Select the first text box. Click on the rotate button, which looks like a rotating arrow on the button. Hold the "Shift" key down. Grab the corner of the box and drag the corner around to rotate the text 180 degrees.

Step 6

Print the page. Fold the page in half lengthwise to form the tent card.

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